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Half of Your Ad Budget is Wasted Every Year
Uncategorized Mike Miriello Uncategorized Mike Miriello

Half of Your Ad Budget is Wasted Every Year

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” - John Wanamaker

That wise old adage tells us two very important things:

  1. Analytics often fall to the back-burner in favor of novel marketing efforts

  2. Businesses are often much more interested in expanding their marketing efforts without taking a slow, calculated approach at what works and what doesn’t

So how do we track what’s working? Let’s look at a case-study.

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Why Storyboarding Matters
Uncategorized Mike Miriello Uncategorized Mike Miriello

Why Storyboarding Matters

When you have between 20-30 seconds to get your message across to your audience, every single second counts. Not only that, you need to make sure the first 5 seconds really, really count if you are running ads on YouTube/Facebook (more on that in a future article). Storyboarding is driven by strategy.

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